Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Vintage Shopping at Koenji

Hello! I've been busy and lazy at blogging these past few weeks :(
I just feel that time passes so quick and I can't believe school is starting in two weeks!
Although some things that I wanted to happen during my summer break didn't happen ( No one in this world can get every single thing she / he want anyway), I'm still being quite productive.

August 12, 2012

Went to Koenji with Feri (Nickname lol) and Patty.
Koenji is known for the new Harajuku, a neighborhood with many vintage and individual stores around. Compared to Harajuku it feels so much less modern.

Decided to go with the Mori girl style that day

We went to Hattifnaff for lunch, this cute little cafe has a branch at Koenji too. 

Look exactly the same as the Koenji's store.

Cute animals painting on the wall


We got the upper seats.

and the Koenji neighborhood:

American ads characters shop! how cute and nostalgic

Happy meals toyssssss :D

For tea time we went to this Noble Cafe own by old granpa and granma.

I order this ice espresso (the espresso is literary in the ice form) thewith milk.
All I need to do is to pour the milk to the glass and wait for the ice to melt.
What a cretive way to enjoy ice coffee :D

Koenji is definitely a place worth visiting, I'd like to go back there :D
Even if vintage things aren't your thing, there are so many restaurants, bars and cafes that look so good!

Since I have 4 days without any plans and friends to hang put with I might blog again very soon :D
See you!



  1. Wow, I'd love to visit Koenji someday, it looks so cute and cozy <3 I think I might even prefer it to Harajuku, ha ha! I love your white dress, very mori :3

  2. what a great place! (:


  3. Great pictures!
    Love that white dress. And the place looks food.
    makes me want to explore too,


  4. What lovely pictures. like the white dress.
    Looking at the place, it makes me want to explore too.


  5. cute photos! love the braid as well. great blog girl :)


  6. As it is just a 20 minutes walk from my apartment, I dare to say that even though I'm not quite much of a vintage lover, I do love Koenji and spend time there quite often ♥

    Lovely post as always!

  7. I love your pictures! So cute! Your hairstlye is pretty liek that!

  8. the ice espresso looks delicious :9



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